Tuesday, September 23, 2008

and then there was LIGHT!

All the lights fixtures we purchased on Saturday arrived this morning and Louis wasted no time in arranging for the electricion to get it all fixed up... After dinner today, me and my mrs took a trip down to the flat to inspect the work and to see our flat at night for the first time.

We decided to keep a tight budget on light fixtures as its something we can imporve.upgrade/replace over time. Hence, we selected only the most basic light fixtures even opting for plastic over glass... No fancy-shmancy lights, all basic and simple ones...

Heres bedroom #2 with the lights on at night. We realised that the room paint colour greatly affects the overall brightness of the room. Room#2 suffered from this. No matter. We will be putting a desk lamp in the corner anyways as this is to be a study as well...As you can see from the MBR room pic, bright orange does very well in keeping the room bright and full of light!
Here's a view of the drop lights as well as the dining corner hangng lights... The dining light is the only orangey coloured warm lights... the rest are all cool white lights....
The kitchen is fixed with 2 big lights one for the main kitchen area and one just above/outside the common toilet area. here's the view from the inside of the kitchen.
Room #3, Popcprn yellow also helps in making the room light and bright.
A closer view of the dining lights.... so new, bubble wrap still on.. =)
A view of the kitchen from the kitchen entrance....
A view of he living/dining area from the kitchen corridor/entrance foyer area.... a total of 15 drop lights were used with 2 droplights in the false ceiling over the toilet entrance of the MBR area.

Thats all for now.. Tomorrow Louis has informed us that the new nyatoh doors will be installed... we also can expect that the kitchen cabinet works will begin and the toilet fixtures will be installed.

Something else you can;t see through the pictures is that the piping for the toilets and the kitchen sink was also installed today... All looks good.

I'll be updating again soon!


Monday, September 22, 2008

Laminates are IN!!!

Hi All! So quick the weekend has passed... I was off today so I visited the flat with wifey after i fetched her from work. By the time we arrived, the workers had left so we had the flat all to ourselves to view al the work. Since the last time we went, the laminated flooring has been installed. Here are this round of pictures:

Room#2 with the lavender walls and the newly installed laminated flooring...
A look at the false ceiling design of the hall. There will be drop lights all around with a ceiling fan in the middle.
This is our MBR toilet, fully tiled. Toilet fittings yet to be installed and shower screen to be replaced with a taller one. The current one is the standard height of 6 feet. We need a 7 foot shower screen cos we're giants :)
Popcorn yellow guest room with laminated flooring. This is our happy room!
Mrs Wan wants a door installed at the kitchen entrance so we had Louis design and install a damn big glass sliding panel door. the panel was so big that he advised us to make it smaller by placing a fixed wdth panel on the left side so that the door won;t be so heavy.
The glass sliding panel as seen from the inside of the kitchen.
Our bright orange MBR walls. The bright orange wall will be the direction our bed faces and I'll mount out tv there.

Well, i should be visinting again tomorrow as I'm off work for another day... Stay tuned for more updates. Hopefully the lights will be up tomorrow....



Sunday, September 21, 2008

My MBR toilet inspiration

Hi guys,

I've had fantastic reviews on the choice of tiles for the MBR toilet.. so I'll admit it wasn't all from my own head... I got inspiration from a toilet design pic i found online... here's the pic, so that you guys from the forum can save it and reuse it for your own design inspirations or merely to show your ID....



Saturday, September 20, 2008

Latest Updates 21st Sept 08

So yesterday, me and wife had made an appointment with our ID to meet up at our place to check out the work and discusss some things. Here are some pictures of the work done over the week:

A pic of the kitchen with the tiling completed. Floor tiles in place and we only had to begin discussing specifics about the kitchen cabinet design.

Our MBR with the first coat of paint. Orangey as orange can be....

The adjoining room, in a lovely purple... lavendar or whatever its called..

Our MBR toilet. The tiling came out great. Louis also already put in the shower screen. But the standard shower screen seems to be too low for me and wifey...so we requested for Louis to replace it with a higher one which will go up all the way close to the ceiling...

Another view of the MBR. That briht orange wall is where our bed will face and where we'll place the television...

Another view of Room 2 which is kind of a wardrobe room, study and future baby room... =)

Well, thats that. After visiting the house we went to purchase our lights, ceiling fan and door bell... Another whopping 1000 dollars spent in one afternoon.... sigh... all the costs of renovation... but i guess its well worth it... will update again soon...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ID Hunting

Wifey and me had always intended to do minimal renovation to the house. We only had in mind to redo the kitchen and the 2 toilets. But after much pondering, feedback gathering and careful consideration, we decided that we should also redo the flooring as well as ceilings as doing this at a later stage would not only cause massive headaches, but would probably be more expensive if done on its own.

We began ID hunting approximately in July 08, by first visiting some ID firms in IMM. I've posted a review of the experiences below. As a starter guide to renovation, i strongly suggest that users first go through renotalk forums (www.renotalk.com) and read through all the relavant sticky threads that will give you a good understanding as well as an overview and feel of the overall Renovation process.

In the end, we took about a month and a half to finally settle on an ID that we were comfortable with.

A key consideration that we kept in mind during this process was that I would be away for a good 3 weeks while renovation was to take place and hence it was out of the question for us to hire a contractor. Furthermore, neither one of us had reliable contractor contacts nor prior experience with house-making. Being risk-averse, we decided that an ID was the best way to go and that hiring a contractor or sub-contractors to do up part by part would probably cost us more in the long run given the problems that arise from the lack of experience.

In actual fact, the renovation that we had in our head was not so much design heavy, it was just more construction heavy. We were not intending for our house to be designer level or anything but we did have some ideas of certain additions we felt like having. But due to the considerations I had mentioned previously, we felt that the additional expense we would have to fork out with an ID would in the end save us alot more. This is on top of all the heartache that could be avoided as well as the time that would be saved too.

Comparing all the quotations we had, we figured that the work we needed to do would roughly amount to somewhere between 25K - 35K. There were of cos IDs with quotations which said that the work i had intended to do would add to more than 40K, which we immediately ignored. I think a good rule of thumb would be to get a handful 3-6 quotations which fall within the rough budget and then from that handful dwindle down based on your comfort with the interior
designer himself.

Wifey and I in the end decided to go with Louis from Renozone because we were comfortable with him and we were confident on the quality of work and the delivery having known of the reputation of Renozone from the renotalk forums. I had initially intended to go with Colin, Colin was gracious and immediately called back to say he has too many projects on his hands and it would be unfair to us if he took us on. Instead, he asked if he could pass us on to Louis and he promised that Louis would deliver and do a good job. A combination of the turst we had in Colin and the belief we had in the firm from its reputation drove us to decide to go with Renozone. We then finally put pen to paper and hence stage II of our renovation journey commenced.

Review of ID's we visited (only the ID's we spent a significant amount of time with are listed here):

1. Inner View (Isasc)
Isasc was a good ID in terms of response. He was timely in his replies and got us our quotations on dates he promised. Our feeling is that he is more of a man handler and less of a designer. Refused to provide email quotations and always insisted on meeting in person. Overall, an ok ID.

2. City Design (Edwin)
Edwin is a DESIGNER and less of a contractor kind of ID. So if you want a house that is very stylish with lots of designer input, Edwin is your guy. This company has a weird style of working, they require you to commit a certain amount of money before carrying on to the design stage. I liked the guy and his ideas but he was just too expensive for the simple work we were intending to do.

3. Ideal House (Peter)
Peter is highy recommended. replied to my email and gave me a call. He is a nice guy who is not pushy at all. He lets you do what you want to do and lays it out straight for you. Seems like a sincere fella and i would have gone with him if his quotation was better. Still to expensive but highly recommended.

4. Renozone (Louis)
Vey jovial ID. Our feel is that Louis is less of a designer and more of a do-er. He is very easy to get along with and provides his inputs to try to keep cost low. He will work under your budget and offer alternatives to meet requirements. We went with his due to our confidence in the firm and the relative ease we are with him. Considering that our requirements are more work intensive and less design heavy we feel that Louis met our requirements. Most importantly, Loui sis experienced and i think he wil have no problems in terms of scheduling. Based on initial impressions, Louis works fast.

from work....

Well hello to all,

I'm now blogging from overseas in UK, i've been away for approximately 1 and a half weeks now and i'm glad to say that I'll be back next friday.

Mrs Wan has kept her promise and has been diligently updating the blog and making the trips down to the house to have some pictures taken and uploaded to the blog.

I'm really excited to go back to take a look at our home. Its really making me anxious.

Its a wonderful feeling, preparing and moving into a new place of your own and knowing that a whole life is ahead of you starting with that house.

Anyhoos, i'll blog again soon. Wifey will be making a trip to the new place again sometime this week, so i'm sure we'll have more pictures come Monday...


Friday, September 12, 2008

Quick Updates: Other completed works..

The bathroom wall & floor tiles are ready too. The bi-fold doors are installed as well.

MBR bathroom...

MBR Bathroom door...

Common Bathroom...

Common Bathroom door...

Newly installed windows and grilles in the kitchen...

View of the kitchen from the windows..

View of the kitchen from the kitchen entrance...

That's all the pics I have for now... I will be looking for a cooker hob & hood and an oven tomorrow with my mum since Mr Wan is still away. Hopefully when he comes back we would be able to post better quality pics... That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates next week....

Updates: Aircon installed, false ceiling completed...

I dropped by the flat today to take more pics to document the progress of the renovation.

Gain City had came down on Monday and Tuesday to installed our new system-4 Mitsubishi Star Mex Inverter aircon. I cant wait to try it out! As for now, have to settle with admiring it only =)

This is the air con that is in the living room. The pic was taken from the main entrance of the house.

A close up shot...

Another close-up shot where you can also see the L-shaped box in the living room area. This is just
outside the MBR.

The aircon in the MBR. You will also notice the area where we had hacked off to connect the MBR to Room 2.

The aircon in Room 2 is placed almost corresponding to the aircon in the MBR.

Lastly, the aircon in Room 3 which is also our Guest Room.

Besides the aircon installation, the wall plastering and false ceiling are completed as well.

Below is the false ceiling near the main entrance at the dining room. We are thinking of putting in drop lights on the left area as we plan to put our dining table there.

Below is the L-shaped box around the living room area. We would be installing a ceiling fan there so there's no false ceiling here.

More pics on the rest of the house in my next entry. Read on!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MBR Toilet: Sneak Preview

When I went to take a look at our place last Saturday, our MBR toilet was still a work in progress. I cant wait to see the finished work. Mr Wan chose the tiles for the MBR and he was quite picky about it.. Heh.. Here's a sneak peak..

The pipes look hideous against the blue tiles. We've already told our ID to conceal them so that it would not become and eyesore.

Below is a pic of the MBR toilet taken from another angle. The whole area is covered in black tiles and this is where the shower area is gonna be. It'll be covered by a shower screen so that the rest of the toilet would not get wet.

Some more pictures of the work in progress

What I like best of our house, is that the kitchen is spacious. Well, not as spacious as some of the bigger, older flats. But, big enough for me to learn how to cook and bake and experiment new recipes. Plus, the white tiles that Mr Wan and I chose adds on to the spacious factor. Hopefully, the brown laminates that I chose for the cabinet won't make it look smaller... Some pics of the kitchen below... The rubbish chute that you see below looks kinda out of place. But, dont worry, it'll be covered up with a cabinet.

Another picture of the kitchen taken from another angle.. Dont you just love the bright white walls?

Here's a picture of the windows that our ID threw in into our reno package for free... Only the glass panels have been installed. The grilles would be installed soon.

And the tiling continues..

As promised, I would upload more pics of the tiling works... Below is a pic of one of the men working on the kitchen wall. Just be warned that the pic quality is not so good cos I had to use my camera phone. Mr Wan had brought our camera along with him.

When I went to take a look at the house last Saturday, the tiling works in the common toilet was almost done. More pics below.. If you look closely, the tiles at the centre portion have concentric designs. It would have been much more nicer if the concentric designs were in black cos it could then contrast with the black floor tiles. Unfortunately, the shop did not have any.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tiling work begins...

Hubby and I dropped by our flat before he flew off for London on Monday nite, 1 Sept 08. We were quite excited to find out that the men had started tiling the kitchen walls and the common toilet walls. Below is a shot of the common toilet from the entrance of the toilet.

And another pic of the common toilet from another angle.

For the common toilet, Hubby let me decide the colour and type of tiles that I want since he chose what he wanted for the MBR toilet. I chose the white tiles so that it will make the toilet look bigger cos as it is, it is pretty small. And for the floor, I chose black tiles. I dont have pics of the floor yet. I will try to upload more pics once I get hold of my thumbdrive. I forgot to bring it home today. More updates on the progress of the renovation tmrw. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Post Hacking

Me and wifey dropped by the flat the next day to take a quick peek.

Our common toilet is being waterproofed....

Another shot of waterproofing

Plastering works underway... one wall of room 2 already plastered...

Ah chai carrying out the waterproofing for our MBR toilet.