Friday, September 12, 2008

Updates: Aircon installed, false ceiling completed...

I dropped by the flat today to take more pics to document the progress of the renovation.

Gain City had came down on Monday and Tuesday to installed our new system-4 Mitsubishi Star Mex Inverter aircon. I cant wait to try it out! As for now, have to settle with admiring it only =)

This is the air con that is in the living room. The pic was taken from the main entrance of the house.

A close up shot...

Another close-up shot where you can also see the L-shaped box in the living room area. This is just
outside the MBR.

The aircon in the MBR. You will also notice the area where we had hacked off to connect the MBR to Room 2.

The aircon in Room 2 is placed almost corresponding to the aircon in the MBR.

Lastly, the aircon in Room 3 which is also our Guest Room.

Besides the aircon installation, the wall plastering and false ceiling are completed as well.

Below is the false ceiling near the main entrance at the dining room. We are thinking of putting in drop lights on the left area as we plan to put our dining table there.

Below is the L-shaped box around the living room area. We would be installing a ceiling fan there so there's no false ceiling here.

More pics on the rest of the house in my next entry. Read on!


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Very nice photos

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